


- Shelley Moore, President and Founder 




- Shelley Moore, President and Founder 


For centuries it has been proven that we each have three parts of the mind. 

Unfortunately, most leadership development, team building and recruiting processes forget this. Often, personality assessments are misused as profiling tools, resumes are overused, and interviews only truly assess whether employers “like” the employee or candidate. Unfortunately, none of these approaches give you actual information about how a person will perform or do a job.

Personality assessments, resumes, and “chemistry interviews” (as we call them) give you no relevant or reliable information as it relates to actual job performance. 

To successfully profile top leaders, employees and candidates, especially for key positions, using assessments to explore all three parts of the mind are required to understand how a person relates to others, strives to perform, and thinks to learn or process information.

These three distinct areas can be assessed through a combination of affordable assessment tools, verbal interviews, and assigned activities that are orchestrated during employee and candidate assessment processes. 

The Three Parts of The Mind

  1. Affective (Feel): personality, values, beliefs, social and communication style
  2. Conative (Do): natural instinct to perform, striving abilities, and predictable mode of operation
  3. Cognitive (Think): thinking abilities, skills, education, training, experience, and habits

Assessments We Commonly Use

No one index assesses all three parts of the mind. Therefore we commonly use dozens of assessments for different purposes usually centered around leadership development, team building and recruiting. Following is a partial list of the assessments we use.

Affective Assessments

  • DiSC
  • ProfileXT
  • Myers-Briggs
  • StrengthsFinder
  • The Leadership Challenge

Conative Assessments

  • Kolbe A, B, C Indexes™
  • Kolbe Leadership Reports™

Cognitive Assessments

  • ProfileXT
  • TKI Conflict Mode
  • Listening Skills
  • The Leadership Challenge
  • Various skill tests

Kolbe Wisdom™ for Your ORGANIZATION


We love Kolbe!  While we regularly use many assessments, Kolbe is distinct and we have been certified for over 16 years. It is the most predictive index regarding behavior that we have found. Kolbe makes developing leaders, building teams, and finding the right person for the job easier and far less expensive than traditional assessment and selection methods. We provide "the missing link" in the development, recruiting, and retention processes by focusing on people's natural instincts to perform.

Develop Teams

True leaders give people the freedom to be themselves. Kolbe's coaching, consulting, unique assessments and diagnostic reports provide executives and managers at all levels of an organization powerful new ways to develop as leaders, maximize people's strengths and improve performance.

Select and Maximize Talent

Take the mystery out of hiring and start predicting success with RightFit™. Kolbe makes finding the right person for the job easier and far less expensive than traditional selection methods. We provide "the missing link" in the hiring process: the rating of candidates based on their natural instincts.


Contact us to learn more and get started:


The Insight Passion Builder Workbook


A valuable self-awareness process exploring all three parts of the mind to determine career path aspirations.

The Insight Passion Builder Workbook


A valuable self-awareness process exploring all three parts of the mind to determine career path aspirations.

Insight Passion Builder Workbook

We see time and time again how self-awareness is the key to leadership success. The best leaders we know are the most self-aware people we know. 

The purpose of the Passion Builder process is to review and understand industry-proven assessments to identify leadership motivations, talents, skills, and ideal job content; and create a leadership development plan.  This sets a foundation for how the leadership team will make decisions individually and collectively; and the process identifies prescriptive methods for improving decision making. 

It is also a great opportunity for leaders to explore what interests them most and best describes strengths and talents.  Our clients find this to be validating and open experience with clear advantages for improved decision making and selection of players for key roles.

The three sessions for this package flow as follows:

  • Session 1:  With each team member, we privately review five assessment results which the team member will take online prior to this first session. In session, we explain the purpose of the process, review the assessment results and review the activities to be complete for the next session.  We ask questions about background and motivations.  The team member will take his or her workbook to read the complete assessment results and to complete the activities provided in the workbook for the next session. 
  • Session 2: In this session, the team member presents the results of the workbook activities and asks clarifying questions about the assessments. Together, we determine next steps for leadership and career development goals.  This work evolves to be a very specific action plan for meeting organizational and personal objectives.  We gather the information from the activities and develop a presentation that the team member will give to the direct manager or peer team members regarding the results and what was learned through the process.  This will entail an overview of assessment results, strengths and how the team member naturally operates.  Also in this presentation, the team member will share goals for a 12-month development plan.
  • Session 3:  We facilitate this session with the team member and his or her direct manager or peer team members.  Together the team member and manager gains alignment about your strengths and goals for how to optimize his or her role and achieve developmental goals.  The team member will also share the types of support that he or she needs from the organization to be successful with the plan.

Contact us to learn more and get started: